The Ten Most Curious Christmas Traditions Second Part – English Practice


Hello everybody it’s me again, this time I have a new exercice and is to listen a new Learnex Video, and transfer the dialog to text at this site, before starting, I want to thank Learnex for its extraordinary work and the oportunity to improve my own skill.

So, let’s go with the activity and the important information on the video. This time, the subject is: The Ten Most Curious Christmas Traditions Part II

The 10 Most Curious Christmas Video

The 10 Most Curiosus Christmas Text

Welcome to this week’s edition of feedback Learnex, where today we’re continueing with part two of  the ten most curious tradition of Christmas in Europe. 

And today we’ll look at 6 through 10 let’s kick it off

Number Six - The twelve pubs for Christmas route in Ireland

The twelve pubs for Christmas route in Ireland. 

Bear is a classic in Ireland and could not fail to be part of one of the contry’s traditions at such special time of year. The 12 pubs of Christmas route is a very popular custom among the Iris, the youngest spend the day or an afternoon with friends visiting different places in the city, dressed in Christmas clothes, each location represents each of the twelve months of the year.

According to tradition each person has a pint or a shot per pub altough, each group of friends has their own rules and the results at the afternoon or evening in all cases is not entirely positive

For more information about the Twelve Pubs of Chrsitmas rules, tips and everythin you need to know clic below link

12 pubs of Christmas rules & tips: everything you need to know

Number Sevent - The Crackers in England

The Crackers in England.

An essential aspect of Christmas in England is the crackets these are gift wrap cylinders with two twisted ends that two people must pull.

They were invented in 1846 by london baker Thomas Smith, who discovered the fire wrapping Christmas presents in a tube and placing a firecracker in them the object became more popular with people, the most common is that inside the cracker, there is a crown shaped hat which is used during the meal, a riddle and a trinket.

For more information about the England Crackers clic below link

Christmas Cracker

Number Eight - Christmas in the sauna in Estonia

Christmas in the sauna in Estonia.

Spending Christmas Eve in the sauna is the best way to immerse yourself in Estonian Christmas, it is a tipical social event in the life of any Estonian, but be careful because if you or someone modest, it may not be the best idea.

When it is done as a family the most normal thing is that te women and men separate and men are the ones who go through first, but is it is celebrated between friends o colleges this tablet is not taking much into account.

Inside the sauna it is common to be silent or speak in a low voice, while, for example you have a glass of cider.

When you get out of the steambath, one of the most tipical options is to jump into a lake to take a dip to refresh your body after so much heat.

For more information about the Sauna and Other Traditions in Estonia clic below link

Estonian World



Number Nine - Christmas markets in Germany

Christmas markets in Germany.

In Germany many families have the adventskranz an advent wreath that mark the countdown to Christmas. These are garlands made it for branches that carry for candles, each of the Sundays leading up to Christmas one of the four lights is turned on.

Christmas markets are one of the most famous traditions in this european country the best known are those of Dresden Cologne, Frankfurt, Berlin, Nuremberg or Munich in them you can find from tipical Christmas items such as decorations, trees or advent wreaths, too drinks and tipical foods of the region.

Some of the tipical sweets are Stollen, Lebkuchen and Spekulatius.

For more information about the Chirstmas Markets clic below link

Best Christmas Markets in Germany

Stollen Germany Christmas Sweet
Stollen Germany Christmas Sweet
Lebkuchen Germany Christmas Sweet
Lebkuchen Germany Christmas Sweet
Spekulatius Germany Christmas Sweet
Spekulatius Germany Christmas Sweet

Number Ten - Cobwebs of good luck in Ukraine

Cobwebs of good luck in Ukraine.

Contrary to what happens in the rest of the world in Ukraine spiders and their webs are a good omen.

Ukranians decorate their Christmas trees with cobwebs which according to them bring good luck for the coming year, according the legend a very poor widow had no money to decorate her Christmas tree and her children spend Chirstmas Eve Crying. That same night spiders created a huge glowing webs with their tears and decorated the tree with them.

The children were happily ever after.

For additional information about Cobwebs in Ukaine traditions clic below links:

Legen of the Chirstmas spider

A Ukranian Christmas Story

Spiders webs an omen of good fortune

Tree with Cobwebs
Tree with Cobwebs

That’s it for this week’s edition at feedback Learnex, and closes this two part series dedicated to the ten most curious traditions of Christmas in Europe, we hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned next week thursday night at 9:15 pm


A little reminder, the goal of this post was to practice my listening, and due to that, the text should have been exactly the same that in the video, if you detect something is different please help me to improve and tell me, thanks in advance.

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Guillermo Granillo


Conoce a Guillermo Granillo, un apasionado explorador, narrador de historias y la fuerza creativa detrás del blog "Blogging With Memo". Con una curiosidad y una sed insaciable de nuevas experiencias.

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