Thanksgiving – Listening English Practice

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Today I want to tell you something about THANKSGIVING day, recently countries like United States and Canada, they celebrated the thanksgiving holiday, I understand is an important holiday for them, probably the most important day to celebrate in November.

Time ago I wanted to know what is that day and now thanks to Learnex, I have the opportunity to know little bit more and practice my listening, while I am going writing the same words here in the post.

So let’s go.

Table of Contents

Thanksgiving Video Transcription

When is thanskgiving and Why is it celebrated?

Today november 25th on this edition of feedbak leranex, thanksgivis is being celebrated in the United States.

It is one of the most important holidays that is celebreated there.

Just as christmas is the one of the most celebreted holidays, in other contries thanksgiving day is an important event celebreted by american families on the fourth thursday of november.

This 2021 it takes place today, since thanksgivig is always celebrated on the fourt thursday november it acts as a prelude to the long waited christmas days another of the most popular festivities is called black friday a day of great discounts designed to inaugurate the christmas shopping season.

Black Friday Sale Instagram Post

What is Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving day is one of the most popular celebrations in the aforementioned north america country and seeks to commemorate family union on this date thanks are given for all that they have and the series of traditions are carry out such as a special dinner where turky is the main dish and the macy’s day parade.

Turkey Thanksgiving Card

Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without the traditional macy’s parade these department stores covered the streets of New York city with giant ballons, floats and live performances. Its origin dates back to 1924 when it was the employees themselves who marched with enthusiasm down brodway avenue.

What began in 1621?

Was a celebration destined to bless the good harvest bacame centuries later an event where the whole family gathers around a great dinner to offer a prayer of thanks, however despite its repercussion this was not considered a national holiday until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln was already taking his place in the white house.

The modern thanksgiving tradition was born in Plymouth present-day Massachussetts there the english colonists obtained after a year of hardship, a rich and abundant harvest, which guaranteed them a winter brimming with provisions, such was their joy that they decided to celebrate a great dinner to which the indigenous people of the area were invited, they came to their aid and taught them to fish, hunt and grow all kind of seeds.

In addition the celebration was undergone modifications by the different american presidents in this way former president Franklin D Roosevelt ended up decreeing that it be celebrated on the fourth thursday of every november.

What is dinner on thanksgiving?

The most prepared dish on thanksgiving day is turkey since according to the origin of the celebration, turkey and deer meat were coocked at the harvest festival held by the native americans and the english colonists for this reason the turkey has become the symbol of this event and is consumed together by families.

Another of the most prepared foods are mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, yellow corn, pumkin pie and blueberry jelly, in addition certain families tend to replace a turkey with duck.

According to published statistics more than 45 million turkeys will be consumed tonight.

Thanksgiving Dinner


Another important event is football games on this day

Whay is this?

We review history dating back to the 1930s, what can be considered the first thanksgiving day game, was playes in Detroit in 1934. That year the Portsmouth spartans moved to motor city after being accqured by George and Richards, although the team won its first games the fans weren’t attending their games.

So Richards convinced the program’s league by his game against the defending champions, the chicago bears on thanksgiving day.

The 1934 game was a box office succedd and every year since, except for World War II the lions have played on thanksgiving day.

Football Poster

What other country celebrate thanksgiving?

Although thanksgiving is originally from the united states many other countries in the world have joined in this celebration such as Canada, Germany, Japan, Liberia, Grenada and St Lucia however,each of these countries celebrates it on a different day.

That’s it for this week’s edition of feedback Learnex, happy thanksgiving learnex community, see you next week thursday night at 9:15 pm.

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Guillermo Granillo


Conoce a Guillermo Granillo, un apasionado explorador, narrador de historias y la fuerza creativa detrás del blog "Blogging With Memo". Con una curiosidad y una sed insaciable de nuevas experiencias.

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