Self-Introduction DOs DON’Ts and TIPs – English Practice


Time ago, I had tried to write something regarding my self-introduction, I should confess was a disaster, due to my short experience writing. However, that was the moment I decided look for help to create a better introduction. I found some interesting options, finally I chose a cople of people to help me, below I will tell you who were those people, wereas, I want to show you three different options I’ve got from those experiences, meanwhile I hope don’t disappoint anybody with this new post.

Casual Self-Introduction, Option I

This is the first self-introduction I chose, I decided to use that option to present the blog in the main page, is little small, but I consider has enough information to introduce myself in some way.

It talk very general about my specialisations, my interests, my general skills and my intension to invite the people to know more about the site and myself.

You can see it here.

Casual self-introduction 1
Casual Self-Introduction I

Casual Self-Introduction, Option II

My second option was used into the About Me page, and as you can see is more completed, I have implemented a different greeting, additional information about my current role and where I am living, I described in deep my interests and abilities. Finally I took advantage and I wrote about my hobbies.

The last version is bigger than the previous one, the content is richer too, and the information is more personal and completed. However, it continue being casual self-introduction and can be used in a blog or social media.

Casual self-introduction 2
Casual Self-Introduction II

Casual DO

DOs Causal self-introduction

Casual DON'T

DON'Ts Causal self-introduction

How Do I End my Introduction

how do i end my introduction
How Do I End My Introduction

Formal Self-Introduction

I was looking for improving my own profile in LinkedIn, I had written another text, but I was uncomfortable with that, I was thinking that I should have done something better, hence I used the same way in order to improve the introduction and I got this new text, since that moment this formal self-introduction apears on my LinkedIn profile, who has access can see it.

So, What is the important here?, well, this new version is deeper explained, more detailed at the moment to explain the abilities, skills, goals even were included some certificates such as evidence of the knowledge gathered through the time.

Formal self-introduction
Formal Self-Introduction

Profesional DO

DOs-Profesional Introduction

Profesional DON'T

DONnts-Profesional Introduction

Other Tips

Other Self- Introduction Tips
Other Tips

Profesional DO

Finally, I know is necessary to thank the right people, in my case I got a lot information from Alisha, who is the person I have been following to strengthen my skills.

She wasn’t the only person who help me, but is the only one who has a channel to invite you to follow. So, if you have the interest to continue learning please check the video and evaluate her content, in my personal opinion is very useful.

And if you have another good recommendation, please don’t doubt to mentioning below in the comments.

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Guillermo Granillo


Conoce a Guillermo Granillo, un apasionado explorador, narrador de historias y la fuerza creativa detrás del blog "Blogging With Memo". Con una curiosidad y una sed insaciable de nuevas experiencias.

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